Minerals (R, S, T)

Rare mineral specimens who's names Begin with the letters R, S, T

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Sphalerite, Mineral Specimen from Mexico

This specimen is 3.5 x 3"

Fluorapophyllite & the Zeolite Stilbite, India

This Specimen is 4.75" wide 3" thick and 2.75"tall

Green Tourmaline Crystal in Quartz

This specimen is 2.5" Square and a little over 1" thick the tourmaline crystal is 1.35" x .5"

Fluorapophyllite & the Zeolites Natrolite & Stilbite, India

This specimen is 2.5" Tall, 3.5" Wide and 2.5" Thick

Topaz Crystal on Albite from Pakistan

This specimen is 2.5" Tall, 3" Wide and 2" Thick. This specimen displays well on both sides.

Mineral Specimen Sphalerite with scalenohedron Calcite crystals from Tennessee

This specimen is 2.75" tall, 5" Wide and 2.75" Thick.